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medical product distributors and
the vulnerable populations they protect. 

Enhance the security, compliance, and quality control
of your company's medical product supply chain.

Real-time Monitoring

PingTRAKS monitors certain data sets to identify any risks on the supply chain from manufacturing compliance issues, logistic challenges like repackaging and theft, to the online sale of counterfeit clones of products. 

Data Analytics

Using data science we unlock valuable insights from your medical product manufacturing and importing processes to help you make informed decisions, optimize your processes, and improve your bottom line.

Risk Assessments

Continuous monitoring, penetration testing, and security audits fuel our risk assessment capabilities. We combine threat information with vulnerability assessments to determine the level of risk. 

Compliance Tracking

Whether a small startup or a large corporation, PingTRAKS has solutions to help enhance regulatory compliance. We constantly monitor your manufacturers, logistic partners, and distributors to ensure that any red flags are identified early and resolved quickly.

Incident Management

One of the most important steps for a company once a counterfeit or substandard product is identified is what they do about it. PingTRAKS has solutions that help to both remove the product from the marketplace and to notify the proper authorities.

Our Mission

PingTRAKS uses advancements in AI and blockchain to secure your medical product supply chain, from the manufacturer to the consumer. Our system includes surveillance tools that help identify and remove counterfeit products from the marketplace, to ensure your products are protected.

Enhance your company's product surviellance today

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